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Delivery and Return Policy

Items shipped from, including, can be returned within 30 days of receipt of shipment in most cases. Some products have different policies or requirements associated with them.

Mistaken Returns
Ensure you enclose the correct and complete item when making a return. The correct item must be returned to receive a refund. does not store items mistakenly sent to us and instead donates, or recycles them, when appropriate and possible. If you accidentally sent the wrong item to, please contact Customer Service as soon as possible.. cannot guarantee your item will be found and returned, and no compensation is provided for incorrect items sent to Global Store Return Policy

It can take up to 25 days for an item to reach us once you return it. Once the item is received at our fulfillment center, it takes 2 business days for the refund to be processed and 3-5 business days for the refund amount to show up in your account.

For most Global Store returns, you will be provided with a pre-paid UPS return label which allows you to return the item(s) to any UPS drop-off point located across the US. You can find your most convenient UPS location using the following link:

Not all Global Store items are eligible for a pre-paid return. In this case, you will need to return the item at your own expense. We recommend you return the item(s) using a trackable method at the carrier of your choice. will automatically refund up to $20 for return postage costs on receipt of the item. If your return postage costs exceed $0, you may contact our Customer Service Center to request a refund of the remaining postage cost. If you return a defective, damaged or incorrect item, you’ll be refunded the full postage cost, as well as your Import Fees Deposit, once your return is processed.

Prepared by  T-Soft E-Commerce.